Investing in Enduring Businesses

Since 1998, Argent Capital Management has been helping institutional investors, investment advisors and high net worth individuals meet their investment goals. We are a boutique investment management firm specializing in U.S. equities. Our focus is on seeking attractively valued, Enduring Businesses that have the potential for superior investment results over the long term.


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10 Years of Mid Cap

A decade ago, we started the Argent Mid Cap strategy to combine the power of Mid Cap stocks with our Enduring Business framework. We’re proud of the results thus far and looking forward to the next 10 years!

Find out more about our Mid Cap Strategy here.

Watch this video to discover more



We believe that the most powerful force in investing is compounding cash flows. Argent invests in high-quality, attractively valued businesses that can thrive in an ever-changing world. We call these enduring businesses. This philosophy drives Argent’s investment process, which is applied across all of our portfolios.

Learn More About Our Philosophy



We have an experienced and dedicated team with varying areas of expertise, but we all work with the same goal in mind — creating the best possible experience for our clients.

Meet the Team