Peter Roy, CFA
Portfolio Manager
Download V-CardPeter Roy, CFA, has specialized in small cap portfolio management and research for the last 23 years. He brought that talent to Argent when he joined the organization in 2019. With his expertise, Argent launched the Argent Focused Small Cap and SMID strategies. Peter has been the lead decision maker for the Argent Focused Small Cap strategy since its inception in November 2022 and the Co-manager for Argent SMID Cap since it was launched at the end of 2019. Peter plays a key role in investment decisions for both strategies focusing on companies in the small capitalization range.
Prior to Argent, Peter successfully Co-Managed the PNC Select Equity Small Cap strategy for seven years. Peter started his career in 2002 as an analyst on that investment team and progressed to senior analyst and eventually portfolio manager.
Peter earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Dayton and an MBA with a concentration in Finance from Washington University’s Olin School of Business. Peter played hockey at Dayton and has helped coach three St. Louis area youth hockey teams to Blue Note Cup Championships. Peter has earned his CFA designation and is a current member of the CFA Institute and CFA Society of St. Louis.